Video transcript
Introducing Nul (our new name)
We have a new name! We're now called Nul (previously was always a temporary name. In fact, it was mainly for SEO purposes in the beginning. To help us rank better in Google searches for our topic — carbon offsetting. It didn't really do a whole lot. But also, I thought the word 'carbon' was kind of cool sounding, despite it being the thing we're trying to reduce in the world.
However, there comes a time when you need to change the baby's name from 'the baby' to an actual real, good and useful name. And as one of the parents (co-founders) of, there was no better time to do this than with the major design updates and business changes we (Fabrice, Niklas and myself) decided to make to the company and launching to you today.
Here's a bit about why we chose Nul — we thought it was important to reflect our mission of where we're headed and what we want to solve (to help everyone live on net zero emissions), it had to be short as a URL, available on social (to some degree) and of course friggen cool 😎. And thus Nul was born. Our website And all our socials are @nulcarbon.
“Null” in German means zero. And “nul” in English is a legal term for ‘not any or no’. Being a Berlin based company with German heritage at heart (Niklas and Fab) and a German/Aussie (me; Liam), we think it's pretty fitting.
To us, our new name is a goal — zero emissions. And I think we’ve nailed it with a beautiful, simple and cool af three letter word that sums this all up.
Pronunciation — "nuhl".

Redesigned carbon offsetting software — built for teams and employees
At Nul, we're obsessed with good design. We strongly believe in design as a force good to improve our world. It's at the core of what we do and who we are. And so over the last couple of months we've been working hard to completely redesign (and redevelop) our software to make it even simpler to live carbon neutral.
We've designed Nul for businesses to offset their people. Our focus right now is on helping companies to carbon offset each individual employee to help them live a carbon neutral or carbon negative life. Of course, as an individual or sole trader Nul is made still for you to help start your journey towards better managing your personal footprint. As you grow, we encourage you to add other people to your account to start offsetting them too.
We've designed it to be simple to sign up, add your teams and choose one of our new offset projects. You can easily manage your team, see in-depth details about each offset project and view information about your reduced footprint. We see this as a unique and impactful perk you can gift to new hires or current talent.
Nul is the perfect first step for company wanting to become a more sustainable business. As an established company, we can help you better manage your Scope 3 emissions from employee commute and other employee related emissions. And it's also a unique way of giving back to your employees and helping them to become more conscious of their own personal carbon footprint.
New carbon offset projects
We're focusing our efforts on projects that have real world carbon sequestration benefits. The projects we support and work have these ecological benefits — reforestation, afforestation, biodiverse planting, reduce habit loss and avoid deforestation. All our projects have secondary benefits as well which includes, agroforestry, financial support for poorer communities, education and more.
We've reduced the number of projects to just 2 incredible projects in Panama and Vanuatu. Over the next few months we'll be announcing more projects to choose from.
Project 1 — Protecting tropical rainforests in Vanuatu
Protecting the coastal rainforests of Vanuatu's largest island together with the Serakar Clan of indigenous ni-Vanuatu landowners of the area. The clan consists of five extended families of some 50 individuals descended from Chief Serakar. This projects aims to help protect the forest by supporting these communities financially through carbon offsetting. This protects the native flora and endangered fauna and avifauna. As well as help preserve the land and stunning coast line from erosion during tropical storms.
Project 2 — Replanting tropical forests throughout Panama
From degraded cattle pasture land to topical forest. This project brings numerous environmental, social and economic benefits together. Vast areas of land are undergoing reforestation, with more than 7.5 million trees planted so far. Local indigenous communities are supported by the project economically, through the carbon credits and by using part of the land for agroforestry to grow cocoa and high quality timber. And 15 endangered species on the Red List now have a place to live again and thrive.
Unique (and more affordable) pricing
We've made our pricing fully transparent, more affordable for you and better for the offset projects we work with and support together.
Here's how our new pricing works:
We give you the price per tonne to offset the we pay to our projects partners. And all we charge is a small fixed fee of 1€ (or $1.20 USD) on top of each persons monthly offset, regardless of how much you offset. We do not charge margin percentage based on how much you're offsetting like most offsetting companies do. This means as a business you pay the exact amount it would cost to offset, plus our fix fee per person each month.
As an example (1 person offset):
1 tonne offset per month x $11.40 USD (Panama offset project price per tonne) + $1.20 (our fixed fee)
= $12.60 / month